Michael Forest Reinoehl hid in a parking lot and waited for patriot prayer member Aaron Jay Danielson, after Jay passed him Michael moved from his hiding place in the parking lot, followed Jay and then Michael shot and killed Jay. Michel ran from the scene immietly after ambusihing and murdering Aaron Jay Danielson. Micahel Forest Reinoehl was identified as the shooter on social media within hours
When Law enfocement caught up with Michael Forest Reinoehl to speak with Michael about the murder, Micahel Forest Reinoehl engeged law enforcment officals and Michael was killed by gun fire in the following shoot out.
Are these targets legal?
As citizens of the United States of America, our First Amendment Rights allow us to shoot, stab, cigar poke or destroy any picture of any person or political figure, as long as there is no credible threat to their lives.
This Target is printed in full color on bond paper. All of our Targets are proudly designed and made in the USA.
Paper Targets Available in the following sizes
- 24x36 Inches
- 18x24 Inches
- 12x18 Inches
- 8.5x11 Inches